Maša Drndić
Artist, designer, cinematographer and documentary filmmaker. Born in 1982. After gaining her MA Degree in Graphic Arts she enrolled in MA studies in cinematography at BFM, Estonia in 2008. Throughout her studies Maša worked on over a dozen short fiction films as a co-director, cinematographer, editor and assistant, many of which received recognition and awards at student film festivals. In her work Maša often focuses on relationship between locations and its inhabitants, exploring individual as well as collective expressions of identity, belonging, memories, dreams and desires. Maša directed: «My Belgrade», «In The Shadow», «Detashe», «A Couple Of Stories Before The Departure», «Factory In Progress», «The Waiting Point».
Maša se nakon 16 godina vraća u grad svog djetinjstva, Beograd. Iako je bila mala kada je otišla iz Beograda, ponovni dolazak u taj grad u njoj priziva potisnute osjećaje, spoznaje (npr. da ga prvi put vidi ljeti, jer ljeti bi je obično odveli na more) i sjećanja na neke od ključnih događaja koji su njoj i njezinoj mami, spisateljici Daši Drndić, preokrenuli život. (Preuzeto sa
Detaché je film o trima pokušajima uličnog svirača da svojom violinom uspori ritam užurbanih noćnih prolaznika jednog tallinnskog pothodnika. U glazbenoj terminologiji „detaché“ označava potez gudalom koji podrazumijeva da se svaki ton proizvodi zasebnin potezom, tako da se tonovi čuju kao odvojeni, ali se između njih zvuk uistinu ne prekida jer gudalo ne ispušta žicu niti zastaje na njoj.
The protagonist of the movie is the small and crowded Croatian bus terminal in Rijeka the living-room of a town on the threshold of changes. As the plans for building a promised larger bus terminal are overshadowed by the busy preparations for Croatia's accession to the EU, the old bus station Žabica remains the crossroads for tourists and an integral part of the local community; where col...