Maja Miloš was born in Zagreb in 1985. She graduated sociology and finished postgraduate studies in public health. Her professional interests are focused on the improvement of palliative
care and on the topics of death and dying, about which she made her first film "Book of Memories" as a part of the 11 th generation of School of Documentary Film 2018/2019 (Restart).
Her wish is to promote filmmaking in public health.
izvan konkurencije / out of competition
, restart
, Opatija Summer Stage
Restartova Škola dokumentarnog filma
Ana is employed as the only housekeeper in a hospice - an institution for housing patients in the final stages of a terminal illness. However, her role goes beyond her workplace. In additionto keeping the hospice immaculately clean and tidy, she develops a relationship with the dying patients before, but continues after their death.