Mateja Zidarić
She graduated from Faculty of Science (Mathematics, 2015.). Her final thesis was on Mathematical concepts implemented within Literature. Later on, she expanded her research to Film.
2016., she enrolled in Introductory Film Program within Cinema Club Zagreb.
After a while, she started to attend acting courses (2017./18., at Kubus), film workshops (Nisam od Jučer, Glitch Art, Skica-Proba-Igra, Ljetna Avantura, Film Essay, Film Documentarism – at Cinema Club Zagreb), and online workshop – Enigmatic Images with Fred Kelemen (Cinema Club Split).
Through that period, she made these films: "Non-Return" (2018., workshop Nisam od jučer), "Space Deposits" (2019., workshop Skica, proba, igra), "Hamilton Walk" (2020.), "Red" (2020., workshop Film essay), "Pleiades" (2020./21., workshop Film Documentarism).
In 2019., she created Film Program within Saturday Evening's Film Projections (titled as Explorational Saturdays), which combines Experimental film with some Mathematical and Physics concepts.