Prebaci na Hrvatski

"Bosanoga (sasvim slučajna smrt)"


„Bosanoga (sasvim slučajna smrt)“ govori o nizu događaja koji su 1981. godine obilježili generaciju mladih u Rijeci i koji su ostali nerazjašnjeni, ali i dalje žive u društvenom tkivu grada. Ishodište filma je pogibelj Nenada Vižina koji je posljedicom brutalnosti tadašnjeg sistema izgubio život. Ta nasilna smrt bila je katalizator jedinstvenog fenomena u povijesti bivše Jugoslavije: 300 građana Rijeke potpisalo je peticiju kojom zahtijevaju od policije i komunističke partije da preuzmu odgovornost za to što se dogodilo. Uslijedila su ispitivanja, prijetnje izbacivanjem s fakulteta, prokazivanja i sl. Film skicira mehanizam straha kao integralnog dijela političkih sistema i oslikava jedinstven kreativni umjetnički bunt koji se dogodio u Rijeci upravo kao reakcija na strah i nemoć. On odaje počast univerzalnoj žrtvi.


Bosanoga (an entirely accidental death) is a story about a series of events in 1981 that have left a strong impact on an entire generation of young people in Rijeka. Although they have remained a mystery, they are still a vital part of the social fabric of the city. The starting point of the documentary is the death of Nenad Vižin, a collateral victim of the brutality of the former system. His violent death was the catalyst of a unique phenomenon in the history of the former Yugoslavia: 300 citizens of Rijeka signed a petition asking the communist party to take responsibility for Nenad Vižin's death. As a consequence the petitioners were submitted to accusations and prosecutions. This film depicts the mechanism of fear as an integral part of political systems and portrays a unique artistic rebellion that occurred in Rijeka as a reaction to fear and helplessness. It pays reverence to all the victims of their times and xenophobic societies, regardless of the system and political ideology.

O redatelju:

Morana Komljenović rođena je u Rijeci 1976.godine. Nakon aktivističkog angažmana u raznim civilnim inicijativama u Hrvatskoj i na širem balkanskom području snimila je eksperimentalni dokumentarni video „Gola duša“ s kojim je predstavljala Hrvatsku na Sundanceu 2001. u kategoriji Generation Y.Snimila je nekoliko kratkih dokumentarnih filmova, uključujući „Grand hotel Goli otok“, „Put mojeg djetinjstva“ i „Djeca krijesnice“.

About the director:

Morana Komljenović was born in Rijeka in 1976. After being engaged in various civil initiatives in Croatia and the wider Balkan region she made an experimental documentary video "Naked Soul" that represented Croatia at the Sundance Film Festival in 2001 in the category Generation Y. She has directed several short documentary films, including "Grand Hotel Goli Island", "The Path of my Childhood" and "Firefly Children".

After being engaged in various activist initiatives in the Balkan region, she made her first experimental documentary Naked Soul which premiered at the Sundance film festival in 2001. She worked as a director of photography and editor, but also directed experimental and documentary films such as...
Awards and recongitions
  • Dani hrvatskog filma 2012. - Za najboljeg producenta
  • Zagreb Dox 2012. - Posebno priznanje žirija
