Prebaci na Hrvatski

We're not the Jet Set

(In Memoriam Martin Semenčić) Synopsis:

This film was made as an epitaph to Martin Semenčić, the renowned sound designer. Through a form of video diary following Martin on his trip to Pula film festival where won one of his five golden arenas for sound design, we get to know him as an energic, positive and humorous person.

Sunčica Ana Veldić is a veterinarian and a filmmaker from Zagreb where she studied Documentary film at the Academy of Dramatic Art. She is also a member of the Zagreb Cinema Club, where she made several award-winning documentary and experimental shorts (Croatian Virgin, The Tenant, Hux Flux, co-d...
Festivals where it was shown:
  • 2023. - Gledalište Kinokluba Zagreb (Zagreb, HR)