Prebaci na Hrvatski



„Blokada“ je jedinstveni pogled iznutra u najduži, najbrojniji i politički najznačajniji studentski prosvjed na ovim prostorima od 1971. godine, koji je započeo u travnju 2009. godine na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Borba protiv komercijalizacije obrazovanja i blokada nastave na Filozofskom trajala je 34 dana, pobuna se proširila na više od 20 fakulteta diljem zemlje, a studenti su postali relevantan politički subjekt. Redatelj je pratio sve, od ushićenih pripremnih sastanaka i blokiranja nastave do prvog umora, kroz intimne situacije i međusobne noćne rasprave, od prvotne podrške većine članova fakultetskog vijeća do okretanja leđa tih istih profesora uz pokušaj studenata da dođu do skrivenog ministra obrazovanja. Ovaj film pokazuje da blokada nije samo fizička – već ima mnogo šire značenje.


'The Blockade' offers an insider's view of the longest, most massive and politically most important student protest in this country ever since 1971. The fight against the commercialization of education and the method of blocking classes started in April 2009 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, went on for 34 and spread over 20 faculties across the country, making students a relevant political entity. The director documented everything from the exuberant preparatory meetings and the action of taking over the faculty building to the first traces of weariness; from private conversations and late night discussions to futile attempts to reach the Minister of Education; the initial support of the Faculty Council members and how they turned their backs on the protest in its late phase. This film shows that there is a much wider dimension to blockade than its physical aspect.

O redatelju:

Igor Bezinović rođen je u Rijeci 1983. godine. Autor je kratkih dokumentarnih filmova „Natprosječan“, „Nepovratno“, „Susret“ i „TDZ - za uspomenu i dugo sjećanje“ te kratkog igranog filma „Goli sati“. Član je -/+ kolektiva.

About the director:

Igor Bezinović was born in Rijeka in 1983. His filmography includes short documentaries ²Above Average“, ²Non-Recyclable“, ²An Encounter“ and ²In Fond Memory of TDZ“ and the short feature film ²Naked Hours“. He is a member of the -/+ collective.

Igor Bezinović directed about a dozen short films, feature-length documentary The Blockade and feature fiction-documentary A Brief Excursion. He is actively involved in filmmaking both as a professional and an amateur.
Festivals where it was shown:
Awards and recongitions
  • Dani hrvatskog filma 2012. - Nagrada publike
  • Dani hrvatskog filma 2012. - Za najbolji dokumentarni film
  • Underhill Fest 2012, Podgorica - Posebno priznanje žirija
  • Nagrada Društva filmskih kritičara - Oktavijan za najbolji dokumentarni film
