Prebaci na Hrvatski

22.08. :0

Revolution Postponed

22.08. :0

Croatia was both a battlefield and a trading platform 25 years ago. In the midst of carnage, an Austrian citizen, Georg Gavrilović, becomes the owner of the largest meat industry in Croatia. He is now being tried for war profiteering, and the case is investigated by the journalist Iva A. One of the latest victims of the transition period pillage is the textile company Kamensko. Its former employee, Đurđa, denounces the criminal activities that led to her and her colleagues ending up on the street. A society where 250 live in luxury while 800,000 are on the verge of poverty is not something Marko can resign himself to. A young socialist and member of the radical left, he fights for social justice in street rallies and protests.

Vlatka Vorkapić is a Croatian director and screenwriter. She graduated in film and TV directing from the Academy of Dramatic Art and in comparative literature and Czech language and literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. She writes and directs for film, television...
Festivals where it was shown:
  • 2017. - Zagreb Film Festival ()
