Prebaci na Hrvatski

Iz@ Medošević Web:

A Rijeka-based singer songwriter, the former front man of Avlijaneri and O.Š. Sulud III bands, guitarist, alter poet and punk philosopher. He needs no great introduction, because he boasts a huge ‘punk, rock and blues work’, representing the songs from his upcoming album Granulo je sunce.

We already had a chance to hear some materials from the album, e.g. songs Hollywoodaniotkuda, Djevojkeboseand Cure ispod Place-a, comprising a great reference for the upcoming album.

Arrangements and video-photo solutions are the work of TomislavĆurković. In his performances, Medošević uses different audio solutions, and for the LFF opening he is preparing an original and interesting appearance – Iz@ Medošević.

Date: Wednesday, 27th August
Location: Ičići port
Free admission!